Reading List & Links
Schrauwen, Sarah, Lucienne Roberts, Rebecca Wright, und Wellcome Collection, Hrsg. Can graphic design save your life? London: GraphicDesign&, 2017.
Trummer, Thomas D. Bilder der Pandemie. 2. Auflage. Köln: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König, 2021.
Tufte, Edward R. Visual Explanations. S.l.: Graphics Pr, 1997.
Colomina, Beatriz, und Mark Wigley. Are we human? notes on an archaeology of design. Zürich, Switzerland: Lars Mul̈ler Publishers, 2016.
Pater, Ruben. The politics of design: a (not so) global manual for visual communication. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: BIS Publishers, 2016.
A frightful~but not necessarily fatal—madness: Rabies in eighteenth-century England and English North America
Hannah J Elizabeth, Gareth Millward and Alex Mold, ‘Injections-While-You-Dance’: Press Advertisement and Poster Promotion of the Polio Vaccine to British Publics, 1956–1962’, Cultural and Social History, 16, no.3 (2019).
Franziska E. Kohlt, “Over by Christmas”: The impact of war-metaphors and other science-religion narratives on science communication environments during the Covid-19 crisis, Department of Sociology, University of York, UK
Dan M. Kahan, Protecting or Polluting the Science Communication Environment?: The Case of Childhood Vaccines, The Oxford Handbook of the Science of Science Communication, Edited by Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Dan M. Kahan, and Dietram A. Scheufele,
Aparna Nair, “Public Health Campaigns and the ‘threat’ of disability”, Wellcome Collection, Public health campaigns and the ‘threat’ of disability | Wellcome Collection (8 September 2020).
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